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发布日期:2023-01-11   来源:   点击量:


China's BeiDou products used in over half of countries and regions globally: Official


【The products of China's self-developed BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) are being used in over half of the countries and regions in the world, a Chinese official said on Friday.】


【Ran Chengqi, director general of the China Satellite Navigation Office and spokesperson of the BDS, said China will step up international cooperation for better compatibility and interoperability between the BDS and other major navigation satellite systems to provide global users with better, safer, more diverse and reliable services.】


【Ran made the remarks at a press conference in Beijing, during which a white paper titled "China's BeiDou Navigation Satellite System in the New Era" was released.】


【China officially announced the completion and commissioning of the BDS-3 on July 31, 2020. The system allows global users to access its high-accuracy positioning, navigation and timing services.】


【The white paper said that the BDS was built into a world-class navigation system. It also laid out how China plans to refine the system by improving its operation management, promoting sustainable development of BDS-based applications and upgrading its governance in the coming years.】


Applications of BDS on fast track


【China has made continuous efforts to refine the products of the BDS, expand its application fields, improve its industry ecosystem and promote its large-scale applications, according to the white paper.】


【The BDS has been widely used in various industries and fields in China's socioeconomic development. It has been deeply integrated with emerging technologies such as big data, the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence, fostering new business formats based on the BDS.】


【The system has also been widely applied in the transportation sector as well as daily life through smartphones and wearable devices. In 2021, 324 million Chinese smartphones supporting BDS services were exported, accounting for 94.5 percent of the country's total, according to the white paper.】


【Over the years, a complete BDS industrial chain consisting of chips, modules, boards and antennas has been formed in China. In 2021, the total output value of China's satellite navigation and location-based service industry reached 470 billion yuan (about 64 billion U.S. dollars).】


【By developing standards and norms, intellectual property rights, testing and certification, and industrial assessment in a systematic manner, China has created a sound industrial ecosystem for BDS applications with all necessary factors and a strong innovation capacity, said the white paper.】



1. 北斗前进的脚步没有停止,创新发展的精神也不会停歇。惟创新者进,惟创新者强,惟创新者胜。发展进程中,抓创新就是求突破,抓创新就是谋发展。党员同志在工作中要积极创新,对标高标准、高要求主动求变,凝聚想干事的意识,锻造敢干事的作风,练就会干事的本领,用思维的活跃度充分释放创新潜能,延伸新思路、拓展新道路,做引领发展的开拓者,做锐意进取的奋斗者。

2. 从夜观“北斗”到建用“北斗”,从仰望星空到经纬时空,时间在不断变化,不变的是中国北斗人自主创新、开放融合、艰苦奋斗的初心。创新是一个民旅进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是中华民族最深沉的民族禀斌。北斗团队立足国情、守正创新、集智攻关,走出了一条自主创新的道路。


(作者:学生第四党支部 龙思思 邹照惠 陈舒雨 翻译:尉俊莹 感悟分享:冀倩倩 张洋 审校:柳奇雅 韩鑫
