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发布日期:2023-02-18   来源:   点击量:


The People's Republic of China (PRC) has attained an unprecedented historical feat by achieving Goal 1 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Using these targets, the PRC has set a new global benchmark by declaring "complete victory" in poverty eradication, more so for China's rural citizens and communities.


In February 2021, the same year that the Communist Party of China (CPC) was celebrating its 100th anniversary, President Xi Jinping proclaimed that the final 98.99 million impoverished rural residents living under the current poverty line have all been lifted out of poverty. All 832 impoverished counties and 128,000 villages have also been removed from the poverty list. The criteria used by the PRC relied on "two assurances and three guarantees". The two assurances centred on producing policies, measured constantly for their impact, providing adequate food and clothing for impoverished rural residents. This was supplemented with access to non-negotiable basic medical service, nine years of compulsory education and safe housing. In addition, absolute poverty eradication was attained via public delivery of infrastructure, ensuring rural areas had access to 1.1 million km of reconstructed highways.

2021年2月,在中国共产党成立100周年之际,国家主席习近平宣布,现行贫困线以下9899万农村贫困人口已全部脱贫。832个贫困县、12.8万个贫困村也全部脱贫。中国使用的标准依赖于“两个保证和三个保证”。两项保障围绕制定政策,不断衡量政策效果,为农村贫困人口提供温饱。除此之外,还可以获得不可谈判的基本医疗服务、九年义务教育和安全住房。通过公共基础设施建设实现了消除绝对贫困,确保农村地区能够使用 110 万公里的重建公路。这些农村地区拥有光纤通信(OFC)和 4G 技术,覆盖了 98% 的农村地区。这些成就是1978年改革开放进程的总和。

The PRC's experience is a model to the world about what is possible when there is in a country decisive leadership, uninterrupted legal and policy continuity, bottom-up people's empowerment, solid intergovernmental relations and private sector partnerships, and leveraging contextual circumstances (in geography, politics, technology, etc). All these factors have coalesced and translated into "poverty eradication with Chinese characteristics". China eliminated absolute poverty and hunger by making widely available distance education, making sure that impoverished rural areas had OFC and so had access to telemedicine and e-commerce.

As China deservedly celebrates ending poverty in all its forms in the PRC, there is still more to be done. As President Xi said, "Being lifted out of poverty is not an end in itself but the starting point of a new life and a new pursuit."

中国的经验为世界树立了一个榜样,说明当一个国家拥有果断的领导力、不间断的法律和政策连续性、自下而上的人民赋权、稳固的政府间关系和私营部门伙伴关系,以及利用背景情况(地理、政治、技术等)。所有这些因素结合起来,转化为“中国特色的脱贫攻坚”。中国通过广泛普及远程教育消除了绝对贫困和饥饿,确保贫困农村地区拥有 OFC,从而获得远程医疗和电子商务。在中国理所当然地庆祝中国消除各种形式的贫困之际,还有更多工作要做。正如习近平主席所说,“脱贫不是终点,而是新生活、新追求的起点”。

【注】本成果为陕西高校网络思想政治工作第二批实践项目(编号:2022WSYJ100287) 阶段性成果。

(作者:学生第四党支部 韩鑫 张晨悦)
